The Hidden Costs of IGA
Stop Sabotaging ROI and Maximize Platform Value
When Plug-and-Play Becomes Plug‑and‑Pay
The notion of transforming Identity Governance & Administration (IGA) fuels both excitement and uncertainty. While modernization is attractive, the prospect of a large-scale transition is daunting.
In response, some enterprises balk. They worry about sweeping change or reflect on all the time and money invested in a legacy platform. In either case, they convince themselves that the status quo still works. Others settle for IGA solutions that feature both on-premises and cloud components – and eventually struggle with compatibility and management headaches.
In any scenario, enterprises must remember:
IGA solutions carry costs beyond the sticker price. These costs present as hard dollars or, more indirectly, as issues like lost opportunity, inefficiency, and inflated risk.
In this guide, we surface factors that add complexity to IGA programs and reduce long-term program value. Throughout, you’ll also discover common cost-of-ownership pitfalls – and gather insights on how cloud innovation helps you avoid each.