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The Identity Cloud

Saviynt Intelligence

Groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Capabilities for Cutting-edge Identity Security

Simplified Security, Increased Insights

Saviynt Intelligence delivers multilayered identity security insights and analytics through pioneering machine learning and generative AI capabilities. Gain unparalleled control of identity security throughout your identity program to boost productivity, improve compliance, and be audit-ready with the industry’s most innovative AI/ML capabilities.

Assess Health with Deep Insights

Assess Health with Deep Insights

Easily see and understand what, why, and how things are happening within your identity program

Drive Autonomous Governance

Drive Autonomous Governance

Use automation to simplify and accelerate decision making

Empower All Users

Empower All Users

Leverage a natural language interface copilot for task completion and guidance

Reduce Your Threat Landscape

Reduce Your Threat Landscape

Identify and remediate identity outliers and revoke suspect access

Focus on High-Risk Activities

Focus on High-Risk Activities

Concentrate on, and prioritize, correcting unsafe activity such as rubber stamping and unused privileged access

Enable One Identity for Life

Enable One Identity for Life

Eliminate and prevent duplicate identities to create a single, authoritative identity record

Identity Security's Most Innovative Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning


Accelerate Decision Making with More Accurate Recommendations and Approvals

Help requesters and approvers make faster, more informed decisions

  • Provide high accuracy trust scoring for more confident decision-making
  • Accurately predict up to 94% of access patterns for more precise app, role, and entitlement recommendations
  • Smart Approve and Smart Reject features speed decision making
  • Use scoring thresholds to automatically approve low risk access requests
  • Deliver multi-layered explanations as to why an action should or should not be taken

A Friend to Help You Along the Way

An intelligent copilot to assist and provide contextual help whenever and wherever required

  • Uses natural language to interact, request, and approve access
  • Provides recommendation insights based on trust signals
  • Reduces overprovisioning by enabling approvers to make better informed decisions
  • Reduces friction by suggesting descriptions for entitlements and roles for quicker and faster decisions
  • Constantly learns about your environment to provide the most accurate recommendations

Gain a Better Understanding of Enterprise Risk

Machine learning that combines risk and trust scores for a more precise picture of unsafe activity

  • Increase revocation of high-risk, sensitive or critical access by up to 75%*
  • Actively review access use and patterns to help identify anomalous activity
  • Analysis of 14+ internal risk signals clarifies why actions should or should not be taken
  • Normalize signals to create a single, multi-dimensional risk score
  • Easily adjust risk signal weightings based on security and governance policies

Enable One Identity for Life

Machine learning and a strong analytics engine eliminate existing duplicate identities and prevent new ones from being created

  • Create single, authoritative identity records
  • Detective capabilities that identify existing duplicates
  • Preventative capabilities that stop duplicates before creation
  • Effectively manage merger, acquisition, and divestiture-related identities
  • Save costs by eliminating unused/unnecessary software licenses

Reduce Risk with Precise Role Creation and Management

AI and machine learning capabilities intelligently create and adjust access rules and roles as business needs change

  • Use analysis of current access, usage, commonalities and existing policies to update or create new policies
  • Quickly identify and remediate outliers with unused or over-provisioned access
  • More accurately match role permissions to the needs of the business
  • Create accurate role and entitlement descriptions to support access requests and certifications

Better Understand Your Security Posture

Gain deeper insights into what is happening in your identity program with enhanced data analysis

  • Continuously improve identity data quality with suggested role, and entitlement descriptions, and ownership discovery
  • Get actionable insights into identity related risks such as possible rubber stamping and compliance failures
  • Be audit and compliance ready with detailed explainability and evidence collection
  • Empower security analysts with a natural language processing to build reports and dashboards
  • Leverage identity, access, asset, usage, risk, and external security platform data with the industry’s first identity security data lake

*Based on Saviynt simulations and early access customer results

Resources for Your Identity Journey

Solution Guide

Saviynt Intelligence

Read Solution Brief


Fireside Chat: Saviynt Intelligence

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Analyst Report

Saviynt Identity Cloud IGA Capabilities Recognized as Industry-Leading by KuppingerCole Analysts AG

View Report

Solution Guide

Identity Governance & Administration Solution Buyer’s Guide

Get Buyers Guide

Case Study

Ingredion Replaces Legacy Solution with Flexible, Modern Cloud IGA Platform

Read Case Study

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