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Legacy IGA Farewell Tour - Rise of the EIC

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Opening Act

Join Saviynt’s CEO as he takes the stage to share his thoughts on the state of enterprise identity, his predictions for the future, and a breakdown of Saviynt’s record-setting year after launching the Enterprise Identity Cloud

Product Keynote: The Rise to the Enterprise Identity Cloud

How do you meet the changing demands of modern workforces, rising security risks, and evolving regulations? A converged identity platform. Learn how Saviynt’s Enterprise Identity Cloud unifies identity and centralizes management & governance across your organization’s hybrid ecosystem in this live tech talk. We’ll dig into the key capabilities, such as flexible identity workflows, request forms, and deep governance, and explore the upcoming technology roadmap your organization needs to succeed in 2021 and beyond.

CPAM Stage

Privileged Access and Application Access Double EP

Learn how Saviynt’s integrated CPAM and AAG products can transform your security posture. First, we’ll show you how you can manage privileged access for any application and IT infrastructure, reduce the risk of unauthorized access with Just-in-Time access elevation, and get risk context for privileged accounts. Then, we’ll demonstrate how to secure application access to reduce fraud, simplify audits, and ensure Segregation of Duties through continuous compliance monitoring in this interactive breakout session.


AI Stage

EIC Deep Cute: Intelligent Analytics

Say goodbye to information silos. It’s time to bring context to identity. The beauty of a unified platform built on an intelligent identity warehouse is the insights and analytics it provides. We’ll show you how to get 360° visibility across human and machine identities, access, and activity through the EIC. Learn how to improve threat detection, expedite incident response, and automate low-risk access decisions during this interactive breakout session.



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