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Leaning Into Intelligent Identity Automation

Author: Devon Tackels

Date: 07/09/2024

Improving Identity Lifecycle Workflow Efficiency Through Automation

Identity software vendors often tout the benefits of their software and its effect on organizational ROI. But few clearly lay out exactly what companies can expect to gain – or save – by implementing their solutions. And more importantly how exactly they will realize the benefits on a day-to-day basis. 

At Saviynt, we let our innovative technology and customers do the talking. Today we’ll look at four ways Saviynt automates identity lifecycle management and share exactly what kind of results your organization can expect from implementing Saviynt Enterprise Identity Cloud.

4 Ways Saviynt Automates Key Workflows

If you’ve ever been responsible for managing the identity access lifecycle at an enterprise, you know that many of the day-to-day tasks are time consuming and require significant resources. Even worse, the sheer number of access requests, reviews, applications and employee onboarding requirements can be overwhelming – and often lead to human errors that leave your organization vulnerable to security risks. 

At Saviynt, we’ve built a converged identity platform that not only eases the burden of identity lifecycle management on security and IT teams through automation, but also ensures continuous compliance. Let’s take a look at some of the key identity workflows that our customers use to increase productivity, reduce risk, and ensure continuous compliance.  

1. Intelligent Access Approvals

Manually combing through dozens – or even hundreds – of access requests takes time and keeps team members from working on higher impact projects. That’s where Saviynt’s smart reviews & filters come in. They enable the automation of low-risk/no risk access approval, so your team can remove friction, boost productivity by providing access, and lower risk at the same time.


Saviynt’s smart reviews & filters automate low-risk/no-risk access approval.


Using this feature, you can automatically approve “low risk” and “no risk” access requests – reducing the number of requests human approvers must evaluate. Smart reviews also provide contextual identity insights,  giving approvers the information they need to make faster, smarter decisions.

2. Intelligent Insider Threat Management

Using multiple tools to detect insider threats and manually removing access is cumbersome and time-consuming. Saviynt provides out-of-the-box rulesets and security controls to enforce organizational access policies. Then, our continuous risk assessment and detection of toxic access combinations works to uncover access combinations that violate those policies. Once a violation is detected, Saviynt can either deprovision account access or remediate the violation automatically – with or without human review.

Saviynt provides intelligent insights for insider threat management.
3. Intelligent Operational Change Management

Manually managing workforce changes, such as hiring, workforce reductions, and company mergers, takes a lot of time, can be prone to human error, and increases risks of improper access. 

See Saviynt’s intelligent app onboarding in action.


When change management occurs (Joiner-Mover-Leaver scenarios), Saviynt can automatically track and flag excessive permissions. Admins see this detail in a dashboard and can take remedial action, ensuring users have “just enough” access for just the right amount of time to complete their tasks.

4. Intelligent App Onboarding

Many applications are not built for native identity governance and administration (IGA) platform integration – and one-off integrations are cumbersome, time-consuming, and error-prone. This is problematic for audit and compliance teams who routinely onboard applications to IGA platforms and evaluate risks.

Saviynt’s Identity Bot (iBot) quickly connects and integrates disparate apps to the Saviynt platform, automatically managing onboarding tasks and access.
The bot eliminates manual reconciliation and provisioning of disconnected apps, automatically changes passwords and access to operations, and allows disconnected apps to mimic human user actions like autofill forms, copy-paste data, and more.
How Identity Access Automation Changes the Game
The Old Days

Companies have historically managed identity and access governance with a combination of on-premises and homegrown tools that required:

  • Internal coding
  • Regular maintenance and upgrading
  • Significant management time

Both approaches leave organizations exposed to a high risk of security breaches and non-compliance events, which can result in fines, potential reputational damage, and revenue loss.

New Tools to Face Emerging Challenges

With the automation capabilities featured in Saviynt’s platform, organizations now have a powerful solution that promotes more efficient workflows, increases productivity, and improves their security posture throughout the identity lifecycle. Saviynt Enterprise Identity Cloud includes: 

  • Application provisioning
  • Access reviews & requests
  • Role-based access control
  • Employee & contractor onboarding
  • Lifecycle management
The New Normal: Streamlined Productivity and Stronger Security

By automating business workflows with built-in low-risk/no risk access approvals, recertification, access review, and threat/risk management you can eliminate up to three weeks of manual processes each year and improve your security posture at the same time. 

Automation Drives Cost Savings

The Enterprise Identity Cloud reduces the time it takes to perform access reviews, saving organizations a big chunk of change. Forrester calculated the quantitative effect of this benefit by interviewing our customers and aggregating them into a composite organization in its recent Total Economic Impact Report

1200369232521498.qs99GcQz5YOgevPbTQff_height640Saviynt automation saves approximately $11.2 million over three years.
Time and Cost Savings 

In calculating the benefits of improved access reviews, they acknowledge that the efficiencies realized can vary depending on the number of applications deployed, the amount of cross-departmental input that is needed, and the number of expected user reviews per year, as well as noting that salary levels can differ depending on geographical location and skill level. To account for these risks, Forrester adjusted their analysis of these benefits downward by 10%. 

Assuming ten Full-Time Employees (FTE) performing 100 access reviews a year, three weeks saved for each FTE performing reviews, and the average fully loaded annual salary per FTE is $85,000, the benefit of improved access reviews yielded a three-year, risk adjusted total value of $8,560,988

Forrestor found that in their previous environments, each new onboarded application would take 10 minutes for identity access administrators to access provision each permitted application user. Through automation, Saviynt eliminated the time previously needed to provision access for each user. With the professionals who typically manage access provisioning making $38 per hour, the time an identity access administrator saves is worth approximately $11.2 million over three years. 

Improve Your Security Posture with Saviynt

Saviynt consolidates many identity and access governance functions with our converged cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform. The Saviynt Enterprise Identity Cloud offers greater visibility for identity management admins and allows organizations to perform required tasks more efficiently, thoroughly, and frequently – resulting in fewer security incidents and compliance violations. 

At the end of the day, traditional, manual, or homegrown identity management solutions are inefficient and introduce unnecessary risk. Saviynt’s automation features greatly reduce administrative time, limit risk, and save your organization significant costs. 




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