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5 Crucial IGA Resources from Saviynt

Author: Greg Liewer

Date: 07/09/2024

Essential Primers for IT Professionals Looking to Modernize or Implement a Successful IGA Program.

Things are moving swiftly in the Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) space. Beginning in 2015, Saviynt’s been a recognized leader in SaaS-based IGA, and we’ve spoken and written a lot about IGA over the years. As seismic market changes have happened over the past 3 to 4 years, including the rapid adoption of the cloud, increased relationships with third-parties, release of converged platforms, COVID, etc., we’ve updated or created several educational resources for our customers and prospects. 

And let’s face it, using search functions on websites can be frustrating. (As an aside – about 15 years ago I was at a partner conference of a large, multinational technology company where their presenter boasted about reaching 1 million individual pages on their website. I didn’t think that was necessarily something to be proud of knowing I could barely find what I needed from them in my small area of support.)

Everything You Need to Know About IGA

While Saviynt doesn’t have nearly that many pages and resources on our site, we figured we could help you out by providing a list of some of the most recent educational eBooks we’ve created or updated for you. Without further ado, here they are!

IGA Buyer’s Guide

In this buyer’s guide we talk about the importance of modern IGA solutions, what defines a modern cloud IGA platform, five big questions to ask when choosing an IGA solution, and my favorite, a features and functionality checklist. The checklist offers up things to consider regarding the user experience, automation capabilities, continuous compliance, system management, application management, architecture, and security.

The Hidden Costs of IGA

This eBook covers the ground of four key areas where hidden costs may surprise an organization, including around Integration, Customization, Maintenance and Management, and Business Intangibles. Costs covered include both tangible (hard dollar costs) and intangible costs (lost opportunities, inefficiencies, risk). There’s also a link to the Total Economic Impact (TEI) study Saviynt commissioned Forrester to conduct on the savings organizations can potentially see by implementing Saviynt IGA.

Making the Move to Modern IGA 

Many of our larger customers have previously implemented full IGA programs with legacy, on-premises solutions while many of our smaller customers either have various components of a program or are looking to build their first one. This eBook provides tips on how to get a program approved, developing roadmaps, and evaluating solutions at a high level. I recommend the IGA Buyer’s Guide for something more technically oriented. This eBook comes in a general eBook and a Federal version for governmental agencies.

The 3 Pillars of Zero Trust Identity

Whether you’re all in on the Zero Trust bandwagon or view it as the most recent buzzword that simply repackages best practices that have been around for decades, this eBook discusses building a Zero Trust (or least privileged if you prefer) identity strategy and architecture, as well as shifting organizational cultures and mindsets to support Zero Trust programs. The paper reviews how to assess your current environment, adopting maturity models to guide decision making, building blocks through a NIST lens, and more. 

Modern IGA for Mid-Sized Businesses

How you go about identifying and implementing IGA is very similar regardless of the size of your organization, but there are certain challenges smaller organizations deal with that larger organizations can more effectively solve. This eBook discusses those challenges and how a modern IGA solution can solve for them through a variety of different features.

These five eBooks are good primers for those looking to modernize or implement a successful IGA program. Like everyone else, we also have a plethora of blogs on a variety of IGA topics as well as privileged access management, third-party access governance, application access governance, and converged identity platforms. You can easily sort through them using the selections on the left hand side of the page. As you’re doing your research, feel free to reach out to us at any time with any questions you may have regarding Saviynt IGA or any of our other capabilities found on Saviynt’s Enterprise Identity Cloud (EIC), our industry-leading converged identity platform.



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