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Saviynt Employee Spotlight: Michael Sabonis

Author: Lorrie Cowan

Date: 01/17/2022


Large companies often have complex Identity and Access Management (IAM) infrastructures that have been built over time. They have varying needs and require unique solutions. That’s why, when designing and developing governance and security solutions for each customer, it’s imperative to maintain efficient communication and collaboration throughout the customer lifecycle.

To help large companies transform their identity programs to protect their people, assets, and infrastructure in the cloud era, Saviynt has built a global team of passionate and dedicated people – and a positive, supportive workplace to make it all happen. In our ongoing Employee Spotlight series, we introduce you to the people building the most innovative cloud identity and access governance platform on the market.



Meet Michael Sabonis

Michael is Director of Global Revenue Operations in Saviynt’s Field Sales Department. He has worked at Saviynt since 2019. Based at our headquarters in El Segundo, CA, he collaborates across departments to drive growth by enhancing operational efficiency throughout the customer lifecycle. When Michael isn’t working, he enjoys concerts, hiking, and travel, along with an ongoing passion for carpentry.

michael-sabonis-yosemiteMichael taking in the views on a trip to Yosemite.

Tell us a little bit about what you do each day at Saviynt.

My role as Director of Global Revenue Operations focuses on our tech stack within the Revenue department, largely focused on Salesforce. We use Salesforce across all Revenue, customer facing teams as our centralized CRM which helps our Revenue team stay organized and our executive team make important decisions based on its data. The Revenue Operations team has a huge focus on using data and designing the system to align with Saviynt’s processes. In addition to my focus on the tech stack, I work with many departments at Saviynt to ensure that processes are as efficient as possible.

What do you do when you aren’t working at Saviynt? 

I like going out to eat with friends, concerts, surfing, hiking, exploring the amazing city of Los Angeles, travel, and carpentry (random but I love it).


Michael enjoying Yosemite with his girlfriend.

What brought you to Saviynt?

I joined Saviynt because through my interviewing and research of the company, I saw Saviynt’s potential to make a huge impact in the IGA market. I also saw that Saviynt at the time was in a David versus Goliath situation with its competition and that was definitely something that I wanted to be involved in.

What’s your favorite part about working here?

The people – without question – are my favorite part of working here. Saviynt attracts people with a can-do mentality who really want to make an impact at the company. I am fortunate to work with many different departments and everyone is excited to collaborate. Secondly, I really love the fast pace here. We are at a stage in our company where we are fighting against our competition for every opportunity, always thinking and acting in ways that help us beat our competition. Lastly, over the past few years, it has been amazing to see the company and sales team grow, not only in size but also in how we approach our sales opportunities. 

How has Saviynt impacted your life and career?

Saviynt has impacted my career in many ways. I’m fortunate to work under a group of Class A executives that have experience with some of the top tech companies in the world. I take every chance to soak up their knowledge and implement it in my current job and career as a whole.


Michael’s trip to Patagonia, Argentina

What would you say to someone who is considering working at Saviynt?

If you join Saviynt, you’re joining a company that is thriving and taking over market share. Working here means you are surrounded by the best – the best coworkers, the best customers, the best product. 

What are you most proud of in your time working at Saviynt?

I am most proud of hiring the small but mighty Revenue Operations team that we currently have. Everyone in RevOps excels at their core role, but are also hungry to help Saviynt succeed in any way possible. We have an amazing team and I’m excited that they joined Saviynt when they did so they can experience how their hard work truly impacts the company.

What are you most excited about as you look toward your future with Saviynt?

World domination (100% serious)! We are expanding and taking over territories, regions, and industries that weren’t prevalent when I joined Saviynt just a few years ago. I am looking forward to Saviynt’s future growth as we continue to acquire more customers.



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